Bio-Comprehensive Blood and Urine analysis from LAB CORP (US CLIENTS ONLY)

In the Comprehensive panel we get over $1000 worth of lab tests from Professional Co-op through LabCorp and given to you at an incredible discount price.  This is a comprehensive, in depth look at your biology, to really see what is going on at a biochemical level. 

The analysis of your blood test results will inspire you to follow your custom program when you can see your results in black and white. This type of analysis and consultation is perfect for anyone who wishes to know how to improve their health, prevent illness and disease and live a long, productive healthy life! 

What does the Bio-Comprehensive Package include?

  • Over 30 different blood tests and Urinalysis in one discounted panel (valued at over $1000).

  • Looks at many different markers including a comprehensive thyroid panel, inflammatory markers, extensive iron panel, immune system, liver and kidney function.

Adrenocortex Stress Profile (ASP) Test

A Comprehensive Tool to Assess the HPA Axis — Stress Response and Resiliency

Are you worried that stress is starting to impact your health? 

Do you suffer from fatigue or hormone issues?

Do you feel like you are constantly overwhelmed or on edge, or like you have unpredictable mood swings?

Are you struggling with sleep issues, brain fog or lack of productivity and motivation?

The Adrenocortex Stress Profile (ASP) provides an assessment of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis using carefully timed salivary samples of the hormones cortisol and DHEA. Salivary testing is an easy, non-invasive option to measure unbound, biologically active parent hormone levels. The report offers an easy-to-interpret graphic which plots the results of the natural diurnal rhythm.

Four salivary samples measured throughout the day give insight into the natural circadian diurnal cortisol rhythm, and help clinicians address specific daily stressors. DHEA is measured once in the 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM sample and a ratio of DHEA to cortisol is calculated to provide insight into anabolic/catabolic balance.

Daily hassles, chronic pain, blood sugar dysregulation, work stressors, and poor relationship quality can alter the HPA axis. Imbalances in adrenal hormones can have a wide range of negative consequences that can adversely impact a patient's overall quality of life. The symptoms of HPA axis dysfunction can be vague and are highly variable but may include: fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, depression, GI complaints, and chronic pain. HPA axis dysfunction is associated with many conditions including:

  • hypertension

  • cardiovascular disease

  • gastrointestinal and immune dysregulation

  • diabetes and metabolic syndrome

  • depression

  • chronic fatigue

  • persistent pain

  • neurodegenerative disease and cognitive decline

Adrenocortex Stress Profile testing can reveal these HPA axis imbalances and provide direction for clinical intervention with targeted therapeutic treatments such as nutrient support and/or adaptogens, stress management, behavioral modification and lifestyle interventions.

Read further information about the ASP test here, or see down below. 

DUTCH TEST (Gold standard hormone test)

Living in a modernized industrialized society we are particularly susceptible to hormonal imbalances. This can be caused by emotional, physical or biochemical stress that can impact our hormones and lead to several different issues from endometriosis to fertility issues.

Precision Analytical uses saliva plus dried urine testing allows for evaluation of bound and unbound cortisol, four-point cortisol testing for circadian rhythm assessment, accurate sex hormone determination, and reporting of sex hormone metabolites. 

The DUTCH test evaluates adrenal and sex hormones, including 4-point cortisol testing (throughout the day), DHEA, three estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and several metabolites of these hormones. Additionally, since it is a urine test they can add in several organic acid markers that provide insight into neurotransmitters, melatonin and nutritional status, toxicity, and oxidative stress.  

great video her

OAT from Great Plains Laboratory

The OAT from Great Plains Laboratory evaluates over 70 urinary metabolites that can be useful for discovering underlying causes of chronic illness. Treatment(s) based on OAT assessments can often lead to improved energy, sleep, and mental health conditions, as well as reduced attention and concentration problems, chronic pain, and digestive issues. The OAT is more than just a single test. Instead, it should be viewed as a comprehensive profile that combines different categories that when organized together and understood from a fundamental standpoint is a game changer in practice or for any individual seeking deeper answers to often overlooked health problems.

The OAT Assists in Evaluating:

  • Krebs Cycle Abnormalities

  • Neurotransmitter Levels

  • Nutritional Deficiencies

  • Antioxidant Deficiencies

  • Yeast and Clostridia Overgrowth

  • Fatty Acid Metabolism

  • Oxalate Levels

GI Effects® Comprehensive Profile - Stool

The Most Comprehensive Stool Tests for Optimal Clinical Utility

The GI Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile is a group of advanced stool tests that provide immediate, actionable clinical information for the management of gastrointestinal health. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and biomarkers, this profile offers valuable insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome.

Patient brochure